On Friday I posted a tweet regarding the 30+ French horses who are joining Willie Mullins this season and I happened to mention that I could email the list as a PDF. In the last 24 hours I have sent over 100 emails with this file! Thank you for the support and it is nice to see my work recognised, but as there is such an appetite for this information I have added the file to the site (link below).
This is a labour of love. The minute Royal Ascot finishes, the spreadsheets come out and the research begins. Auteuil, the pinnacle of French Jumps racing, is always the starting point, but this years recruits come from over 20 tracks in France and it is fair to say that it has been a bumper year. To put it into context, in 2021 I had 47 names on the list at this point, this year there are 100. My research has been slightly more thorough than before, mainly thanks to a few new sources of information, but it still represents a significant up tick in purchases crossing the Channel.
There is no easy way to formulate this list, it is a process of long hours and plenty of research. The sales records from Auctav and Arqana are superb, as is JourdeGalop.com, a site that shows the Racing Post how things could be done. I should also thank Jake Price (@JakePriceRacing) who's help with the list and spreadsheet has been invaluable in the last couple of weeks. Clearly, with a list of 100 horses, they aren't all going to win every race, some may not win this season, others are almost certainly long term prospects, but each has shown enough in France for their new connections, who are most likely far wiser than me, to decide they are worth buying and that makes them of interest.
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our trackers overflow ..many thanx
Great work as ever, thank you!